I know this lacks a lot in sophistication and polish. But, back in the 17th century, when the Dodo bird became extinct, don't you think people started noticing changes?
I don't use the phone book. I don't even use the Yellow Pages. I know ads there are paid for by the business that benefits. Nothing wrong with that, but now there are more credible ways.
Do you use the phone book? I know there are a lot of people that do, but how long before it's just not used?
Now, for another potential Dodo extinction: do you wear a watch? If so, why? I hope it isn't because you want to know what time it is because your cell phone already does that--and corrects itself--and you carry it with you anyway.
We are in time where we simply cannot assume that the way we did business yesterday is going to survive tomorrow. If water is precious, it will also get expensive. It will be the target of more and more regulation and oversight. And, if you happen to be in an industry that uses a lot of water, you will be centered in the cross-hairs of anyone wanting to take a pot-shot at an easy scapegoat. That would be irrigators, irrigation designers, sprinkler manufacturers, landscapers, sprinkler service crews, ...
The picture of the Dodo bird is from the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.