Sunday, February 7, 2010

Do You Believe All This "Running Out Of Water" Hype?

"We have the same amount of water now as we did when Noah was floating above Mt. Ararat."

"Lake Superior (the largest freshwater body on Earth) was too shallow to float cargo ships in the summer of 2009."*

I don't claim to understand how both of the above statements can be true.    But something is happening to water and it's not good.

A friend sent me this picture of a bridge project that is aimed at traffic congestion at the Hoover Dam.  Look behind the dam.  That white "bathtub ring on the banks of the Colorado river shows a 100' drop in water level.   That is huge! 

What is the solution?  Anyone that has studied economics at its most rudimentary level learned that demand and supply influence (dictate) price.  To mash up a quote from Will Rogers, "Buy (or save) water.  They're not making any more of it!"

*quoted from Robert Glennon's book, "Unquenchable: America's Water risis and What to Do About It"

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Waco, Texas, United States
Hello. I'm Doug Saylor, ceuWOW's instructor and voice. Thanks for dropping by.